Supporting CREXi from the first line of code to CRE tech industry leader
The commercial real estate industry's fastest-growing marketplace for real estate professionals to streamline, manage, and grow their business, and ultimately, close deals faster.
•iOS & iPad OS
Quality assurance
Quality assurance
For a long time, the commercial real estate industry depended on outdated technology. The founders of CREXi decided to replace the long process of property management with modern, fast, web-based tools that would make it simpler for brokers, sellers, and investors to close deals without leaving the platform. The CREXi founding team had previously worked on a similar platform and had a vast knowledge of the CRE industry. They knew exactly what kind of platform they wanted to create but did not have experience in building tech platforms. This is where CREXi and TulaCo met.
CREXi was connected to us in 2015 by their interim CTO, who had worked with us successfully on previous projects. They liked the fact we had local US-based management and architecture so we could work closely with them flushing out all details. For the first few months, they even shared our office space! At the beginning of our partnership, we provided an architect and 3 engineers to build the initial platform. We went from the first lines of code to a successful public launch in 6 months. Over time, we helped CREXi to scale the technology team to 50+ engineers, out of which 30+ were from TulaCo, and assisted to hire key internal engineering personnel.
The simple and intuitive platform we helped create and launch is a leading online real estate marketplace with more than 500 000 properties listed and 6 million customers. CREXi has raised $54MM funding to date and continues to grow with us augmenting their Front-End, Back-End, QA and DevOps teams. Currently 7 Cross-functional teams are adopting Scrum with 2-week sprints. Practicing XP methodologies, as Peer-to-Peer Code Review, Integration testing, and team sync ups. We continue working with CREXi and supporting it to reshape the commercial real estate industry.
Tula has been an awesome long-term partner from early days getting our platform off the ground to scaling with us as CREXi has grown over time. It's hard to imagine building CREXi without them alongside us every step of the way!
Mike DeGiorgio
Co-Founder & CEO